EMS Agent Cameroon Campost

EMS Agent Cameroon Campost

EMS Cameroon Campost


Campost has multiple EMS service agents in Cameroon Africa and is the express mail parcel freight division of Campost.

Postal packages, mail and individual items up to 20 kilograms can be sent to over 220 Countries worldwide using EMS.

If more than 20 kilograms is to be sent then you can simply divide contents into boxes that weigh no more than 20 kg’s each and then mark the boxes 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4 etc.


Campost EMS Video



EMS Agent Cameroon Campost – Contact Details


Cameroon EMSems.post/cameroon


Phone: (+237) 691 145 180

(237) 22 22 36 13

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